Do your days tend to run long and always seem to run into each other? You might need to establish some definitive routines to help signal the start and end of your work day. In this week’s episode, I discuss why it might help you to establish a pre-work routine that will signal the […]

026: Creating Pre-Work and Post-Work Routines to Help Define Your Workday

Productivity, Time Management, Working from Home

Creating Pre-Work and Post-Work Rituals to Help Define Your Workday

  “Forest team partners with a real-tree-planting organization, Trees for the Future, to plant real trees on Earth. When our users spend virtual coins they earn in Forest on planting real trees, Forest team donates to our partner and creates planting orders.” Forest is an app that helps you stay focused on the important things […]

021: Stay Focused and Plant a Tree with Forest and Flora [Tip Tuesday]

Productivity, Time Management, Tip Tuesday

  All this month I’ve been talking about systems and processes, and as we wrap up July, and before I move into time management and helping you create working systems, I want to really hammer home the fact that the basics need to be in place before you succeed with your proper workflows. Are you […]

020: Are Your Digital Systems Helping or Hurting Your Productivity?

Productivity, Tech, Time Management

  What stage of productivity are you in? Why does that even matter? It matters because once you know the answer to this question, you can be more focused and energized about learning the correct things based on where you currently are. If you are in stage 1, you don’t need to focus on building […]

016: Five Stages of Productivity – Which Group Are You In?


  I’m not sure why all these methods are named after foods – productivity must make you hungry – but today I’m going to talk about the different time management techniques and the differences between them. Discussed In This Episode: The Pomodoro Method [03:13] The Salami Method [07:44] The Swiss Cheese Method [11:17] Listener Q […]

006: Discussing The Swiss Cheese and Salami Methods of Productivity

Productivity, Time Management

  If you find that you only have 5 extra hours a week (outside of the actual DOING business), here are 5 things to keep you efficient and productive so you can get more done.  Discussed In This Episode: Learning [01:33] Business Metrics [spp-timestamp time=”02:42″] Planning [spp-timestamp time=”06:02″] Meal Prep + Planning [spp-timestamp time=”07:16″] Deleting […]

003: What To Focus On In Your Business If You Only Have An Extra 5 Hours A Week

Planning, Productivity, Time Management

This one's on me. Complimentary free stuff coming right up. 

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