Do you ever wonder why some time management strategies work for you and others don’t? It might be because you are trying to solve the wrong problem. There are a number of different time management blocks, and often times, you can’t fully alleviate your problem if you don’t know what problem you need to solve. […]

082: Which time management roadblock is your kryptonite?

Time Management

  What stage of productivity are you in? Why does that even matter? It matters because once you know the answer to this question, you can be more focused and energized about learning the correct things based on where you currently are. If you are in stage 1, you don’t need to focus on building […]

052: [Rebroadcast] Five Stages of Productivity – Which Group Are You In?


  If you’ve made a resolution this year to really take advantage of all the online courses you have stockpiled, I’m going to tell you 6 ways to be intentional about finishing them so you can actually learn something, take action, and have a transformation. I guarantee that out of those courses you have, there’s […]

051: 6 Ways To Get Through Your Online Course Graveyard

How to, Organization, Productivity

Finally achieve your goals by shielding yourself from distractions. Serene prompts you to set one goal per day and break that goal into clearly defined intervals of focused work and regular breaks. Download the Chrome extension, select the websites you want to block & when you are ready to work, start your 20-60 minute focus […]

036: Block Distractions + Achieve Your Goals With Serene App [Tip Tuesday]

Time Management, Tip Tuesday, Working from Home

Block Distractions + Achieve Your Goals With Serene App [Tip Tuesday]

  If you’ve tried time blocking but it didn’t work, I’m going to walk through the steps – cause it’s more than just blocking “work time” on your calendar and hoping you get everything done. Find out why it works (and who it might not work for) and follow the steps in this episode to […]

028: How To Set Up A Time Blocking Schedule That Actually Works

Productivity, Time Management, Working from Home

How Set Up a Time Blocking Schedule That Actually Works

  Sometimes we need a little help and motivation to keep track of our habits or follow our routines. I’ve got 2 apps today that will help you “not break the chain”, and build (or break!) those habits. Mentioned in this episode: Routinery The Done App 026: Creating Pre-Work and Post-Work Routines to Help Define […]

027: Tracking Your Routines and Habits With Routinery and Done [Tip Tuesday]

Productivity, Tech, Time Management, Tip Tuesday

Tracking Your Routines and Habits With Routinery and Done

This one's on me. Complimentary free stuff coming right up. 

leaving so soon?

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