Not all apps are created equal. Sometimes you need a simple note-taking system or to-do list, other times you’d prefer a full-blown project management software. Maybe you need time tracking or collaboration. So what tools do you use for what tasks in your business? This will vary from business to business because we all […]

037: Tech Stack: Choosing the Right Tools for the Right Task [Part 1]

Business, Productivity, Tech, Working from Home

Tech Stack: Choosing the Right Tools for the Right Task [Part 1]

  Do you find yourself writing the same things over and over again when you respond to emails? Whether it’s in response to an inquiry about working with you, prices, frequently asked questions, or appearing on your podcast? You should have canned emails set up for these situations. It might not seem like it takes […]

034: Why Are You Still Writing the Same Emails Over and Over Again?

Business, Business Creation, Productivity

  Running a business is a lot. Like it can be full on – am I right? There’s so much to remember, but that doesn’t mean it all has to stay in our head. The best way for you to get and stay organized is to create a centralized hub where you keep all of […]

032: Get Your Business Processes Out Of Your Head. It’s Time To Create Your SOPs

Business, Business Creation, Organization

  With all of the different productivity methods out there, it’s no wonder you’re confused and frustrated. I want to point out again that the actual tool you use doesn’t matter. Let me simplify the productivity process for you – capture the information, organize it and take action. We spend a lot of time reading, […]

014: Surprise! You Might Already Be Using The GTD Method For Productivity

Podcast, Productivity

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