Welcome to Coffee Powered Systems, equipping women with actionable steps to overcome, overwhelm and streamline business and life. So grab your favorite drink and come hang out with me. I'm your host, Miranda Merten. Welcome back to Coffee Powered Systems.
I'm Miranda and I hope you are having a fabulous week. I took a little bit of a break off of the podcast the last few weeks, and I wanted to pop back in and let you know that we will be back with all new episodes in April.
I have been in the middle of a move and it has been so much work we had to do work on the house before we moved in and which alternated my move date just really messed up my schedule. And it was actually a really good lesson about planning ahead and really having everything in order.
Because I had so much client work, I had clients that were in the middle of launches and then I had the big move and I really put my own stuff on the back burner. And I think a lot of us do that. Sometimes we tend to go where the money flows, right? My clients are the ones that are the majority of my business and I am working on some other side projects. I'm working at putting out new products for you and sometimes that actually takes a backseat.
I'll be coming back in April with new episodes, but I just wanted to let you know why there was a little bit of a pause here. And I think this is going to be a learning experience and I'll be able to put some of this experience into these upcoming episodes of how to plan ahead, especially for when, you know, things are coming up, big things are coming up and why that is super important and where I failed at it and where you can succeed and learn from my mistakes.
All right. So look forward to April and a whole new series. More tips on Tuesdays and full episodes on Fridays. And if you're not on my email list, I'm doing something special at the end of the month. Every quarter I'll be doing a giveaway with gifts for your office and things that you can use as an entrepreneur. So if you are not on my list yet, go to my website, mirandamerten.com. Sign up there and you can be entered into the drawing as long as you are current and active on the list.
At the time of the drawing, you are eligible to receive the gift and it is a box mailed to you. All right, so that is all I have today.
I will see you in April with brand new episodes. All right. Let's have a wonderful day.
Thanks for listening to Coffee Powered Systems. You can find links to everything mentioned in the episode. Down in the show. Notes are on the website at mirandamerten.com. If you enjoyed this episode and would love to continue mastering your work flows and processes, subscribe on your favorite podcast player and join me here next time.