Today, I’m talking about Storrito which is an app to create and schedule Instagram Stories comfortably from your desktop pc. Great for you if: You like scheduling and batching social media You don’t want to have notifications to post (Storrito posts automatically) You like doing IG on desktop vs your phone You can use […]

023: Scheduling Instagram Stories with Storrito [Tip Tuesday]

Planning, Podcast, Social Media, Tech, Tip Tuesday

    Over the years, I’ve been well aware of my issues with consistency (or really, lack of it). From posting on social media, to daily routines, I find myself having to actively engage in self-discipline and awareness in order to follow through and build new habits. In this episode, I give you a 7-step […]

022: I Have Had Huge Issues With Consistency. Here Is How I Tackle It.

Organization, Planning, Time Management

  What’s your digital recovery plan? I’m betting you don’t have one, but I hope I’m wrong. This is a juicy episode, and really important, so save this one so you can reference it later. When things go wrong with your digital systems, what are you going to do? We pay for health insurance, life […]

018: How To Backup Your Digital Systems and Feel Secure (Digital Disaster Plan)

Business, How to, Planning, Tech

  Have you ever downloaded a new project management app and been so excited to get started and get organized, only to end up looking at the blank canvas or scrambling for templates to help you get started because you are unfamiliar with the folder hierarchy? Let’s talk about why this can be confusing to […]

012: Understanding Goal Hierarchy To Properly Use A Task Manager

Business, Organization, Planning

  There are a lot of booking tools out there, I think the most recognized at the moment is Calendly. If you just need something simple, you can use the appointment slots in Google Calendar, but if you need a few more bells and whistles, you might need to venture out with a specialized appointment […]

011: What I Use For Appointment Scheduling; And It’s Not Calendly [Tip Tuesday]

Productivity, Tech, Tip Tuesday

  Today, we’re talking about Tody, the house cleaning app that helps you tackle all of your chores! Set it and forget it, just let Tody help you determine what chores need to be done. Completely customizable, and easy to use solo or with family members. Mentioned in this episode: Tody App Other Helpful links: […]

009: Crush Your Household Cleaning Schedule With Tody [Tip Tuesday]

Organization, Tip Tuesday

This one's on me. Complimentary free stuff coming right up. 

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