Ever wonder how people make those cool video waveforms that you see when scrolling through social media? It’s not hard and it’s definitely not some crazy tech savvy secret sauce. Learn some of the tools that people are using to create those cool visuals. It’s as simple as uploading your audio, graphic image, and adding your chosen waveform. The correct sizes for social are supplied for you and it couldn’t be easier.
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[00:00:00.990] Welcome to Coffee Powered Systems, equipping women with actionable steps to overcome, overwhelm and streamline business and life. So grab your favorite drink and come hang out with me. I'm your host, Miranda Merten. Hi, lovelies, welcome back to another episode of Coffee Powered Systems, today is Tuesday, and that means it's tip Tuesday where I give you the skinny on an app or a tool that could be useful for you and your personal productivity. Pull up a chair and chat with me as I talk about headliner. [00:00:31.970] So I decided to do headliner today because I've been seeing a lot of questions about how to do those cool audio waveforms that everybody seeing on social media. [00:00:41.990] And if you have a podcast, a blog, maybe an audio book or a radio show, anything that you think you would like, a teaser headline or maybe even a longer clip if you want to put it on a YouTube channel, video is the perfect way to promote that audio. And headliner is one of the most popular ways to do that. So this is where you can go create all those beautiful video graphics that have a lovely waveform attached so that every time you hear the audio sound, the waveform moves. [00:01:16.100] And the reason it works is because as you're scrolling through your social media, you see the waveform going. A lot of times the sound is off at first. Right. But if you see the waveform, you might be inclined to stop, turn it on and listen. And the great thing about headliner, they do provide transcripts or subtitles so you can actually even put those on there. So what makes headliners so easy? [00:01:40.340] You can just upload your audio, upload your graphic creation that you've already made. [00:01:47.060] I use Canva for a lot of my graphics so you can go ahead and make one in camera and then you can add things like captions, gifs. Now they have word animation. [00:01:57.500] So you can add those on there as well for a little more pop. And then when you're done, it processes the whole thing and you can export it. And it basically gives you a video file that you can now upload to all of your social media channels. So they have tons of sizes that are optimal for all the social media platforms. So 16 by nine for a YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, you have the square images that you can put on Instagram or Facebook. [00:02:25.100] And they also have the story length that you can use for Instagram stories and Snapchat and now Facebook stories as well. [00:02:32.780] The best thing about headliner, if I'm being honest, it's the price. A lot of people use the headliner free version forever. You can use the free version forever. It's awesome. So what can you do with headliner? You can add waveforms onto your video. They have audio transcription. They make it super easy for you to clip your audio. So if you just want a little 15 second hot topic blurb to use as a teaser, they have text animation. [00:03:03.530] I said headliner was free so you can create up to ten videos per month with transcription included into your videos. You can also share it directly from headliner to your social network. So if you don't even want to download the completed project when you're done, you can click share and it goes directly to the social media networks of your choice. [00:03:25.160] Now, if you want to upgrade and do unlimited videos each month and do custom watermarks for your videos, it's twelve ninety five per month or one nineteen ninety five per year. Also, if you upgrade then you get use of their Getty Images, stock videos, custom intros and outros. You can use your own fonts. So if you're looking to use this as a super power of your social media promotions, then upgrading to the twelve ninety five per month might be worth it for you. [00:03:57.890] But if not, if you're just looking to create a clip here or there, maybe you have like four or five clips that you could create each month. The free version is perfectly fine. There are other options out there other than headliner. [00:04:12.530] A new one that just came out not too long ago is called AudioCado Audio Cado dot com, a link to them in the show notes as well. So you can play around and check out some of the other ones and see if one of them works better for you. I know some of them do have different waveforms. Maybe you're partial to creating waveforms with color. AudioCado does allow you to change the colors of your waveforms. [00:04:37.280] Also, if you have something, if you're doing this for your podcast, if you have a host like Buzzsprout, they do offer this for you. So make sure that if you already have tools that you're using, check and see what's included with all of your things before you go outsourcing and trying to buy yet another tool, because sometimes these are available within the tools you already have. [00:05:01.910] But I do see that question a lot. So I wanted to bring this one to you. Headliner is what most people use and you can check them out at Headliner DOT app. I will link to them down. The show notes, and you can find everything that I mentioned for this episode at Miranda Merten .com/ 19. That is my tip for today. I will see you next time. [00:05:26.590] Thanks for listening to Coffee Powered Systems. You can find links to everything mentioned in the episode down in the show, notes are on the website at Miranda Merten Dot com. If you enjoyed this episode, share it with another bestie who would love it, too. And join me here next time.
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