Running a business is a lot. Like it can be full on – am I right? There’s so much to remember, but that doesn’t mean it all has to stay in our head. The best way for you to get and stay organized is to create a centralized hub where you keep all of […]

032: Get Your Business Processes Out Of Your Head. It’s Time To Create Your SOPs

Business, Business Creation, Organization

  Episode 30. This is just a quick episode because I want to pose a question to you and I want you to start thinking about your current setup – are you prepared? This month is all about organization and I’m going to talk all about how you can set up your business and systems […]

030: What Happens If You Get Hit By A Bus?

Business, Organization, Planning

  This is a simple way to just get started with managing your tasks and just having them all in one sheet. If you are overwhelmed with the notion of automation and dumping your entire workflow into a task manager, I just want you to start and stop putting it off because you “haven’t chosen […]

024: How To Use Google Sheets as a Simple Task Manager

Business, Organization, Productivity

Google Sheets as a Simple Task Manager

    Over the years, I’ve been well aware of my issues with consistency (or really, lack of it). From posting on social media, to daily routines, I find myself having to actively engage in self-discipline and awareness in order to follow through and build new habits. In this episode, I give you a 7-step […]

022: I Have Had Huge Issues With Consistency. Here Is How I Tackle It.

Organization, Planning, Time Management

  Have you ever downloaded a new project management app and been so excited to get started and get organized, only to end up looking at the blank canvas or scrambling for templates to help you get started because you are unfamiliar with the folder hierarchy? Let’s talk about why this can be confusing to […]

012: Understanding Goal Hierarchy To Properly Use A Task Manager

Business, Organization, Planning

  Ever wonder why some people always have their cleaning schedule down and others can barely get a consistent handle on it? Because like everything in the personal productivity world, not every method works for everyone. There are a few different ways you can tackle cleaning your home, and I’m going to give you some […]

010: 5 Ways To Organize Your Cleaning Schedule

Organization, Productivity

This one's on me. Complimentary free stuff coming right up. 

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